Fax: (573) 431-8965
343 Davis Court, Park Hills, MO 63601
Parents As Teachers
As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. You begin teaching your baby during your pregnancy-through your touch, and your voice. From the start, you shape your child's future by providing a variety of experiences. Parents as Teachers (PAT), a voluntary family education and support program, can assist you in giving your baby the best possible start in life. Let PAT help you begin at the beginning to lay the foundation for your child's success in school and in life. Parents as Teachers provides practical, effective ways to encourage learning for all Missouri families with children prenatal to age five. It offers:
Personal Visits. PAT-certified parent educators, trained in child development and home visiting, help you understand what to expect as your child grows and develops. The educators share knowledge about early childhood development, and suggest activities to encourage learning.
Group Meetings. PAT programs schedule times for parents to meet and talk with each other enhance their parenting knowledge, gain new insights and share experiences, common concerns and successes. Group meetings also provide the opportunity to participate in parent-child activities.
Developmental Screenings. Parents as Teachers offers periodic screening of overall development, health, hearing, and vision to provide early detection of potential problems and prevent later difficulties in school.
Resource Network. PAT helps families access other needed community services that are beyond the scope of the PAT program. PAT children at age three are found to be significantly more advanced than comparison children in language, problem solving, other cognitive abilities, and social development.
Developmental delays and learning problems are identified and treated early.
Initial gains by PAT children carry into elementary school years-PAT children score higher on kindergarten readiness tests and on standardized measures of reading, math, language in early grades.
Studies indicate PAT children are less likely to be retained in grade or require special placement.
PAT parents are more confident in their parenting skills and knowledge; they read more to their children; and are more involved in their children's schooling-a key factor for children's success in school.
Our Faculty & Staff
Listed below each person is their title, email, and/or webpage information.
Next to the X is the direct phone extension for each person.